《Good Food》杂志是英国最畅销的食品杂志,为每一餐用餐提供三重测试食谱和实用创意。 从平日晚餐到轻松的周末午餐,食谱是季节性的,第一次工作。 每期都有:100多种三重测试食谱,日常烹饪,周末创意,时令食材,电视厨师,鼓舞人心的照片和实用建议。Good Food is the UK’s biggest selling food magazine, packed with triple-tested recipes and practical ideas for every meal occasion. From weekday suppers to relaxed weekend lunches, recipes are seasonal and work first time. In every issue: 100+ triple-tested recipes, everyday cooking,weekend ideas, seasonal ingredients, TV chefs, inspirational photographs and practical advice.